Lent? What are you giving up?! COOKIES!!!

I decided to give up cookies for Lent! I haven’t given up anything in a few years, let alone even really “cared” about it in the least. BUT! I decided that since I’m working toward losing this gigantic butt of mine, I might as well give up something this year! It can only help, right?! Ugh! riiiiight! I think that this will be the most difficult. Honestly, I don’t really even like cookies that much. Here’s the thing though… My daughter, Scarlett is in Girl Scouts for the first time this year and we over-bought Girl Scout cookies because of that.









She sold that most in her troop and is totally proud of it! But I’m not going to let my butt pay for it!

Also, my Etsy bakery has been getting more orders! It is so hard to make a batch of delicious cookies to sell without snagging a few myself!









Seriously!? Nobody better order between now and Easter! HAHA! No… I will be okay. Because I am strong, and I can totally handle this challenge! Because… I have a goal! I am currently just over 250, and my plan is to be under 200 by New Years Day 2013! My hope is that my husband and kids will eat up all the cookies and leave none for me to consume after Lent is over. Okay… maybe they could leave me just ONE measly Samoa?! MY FAVORITES! 😀 Okay okay… enough of that!  I am NOT weak! I will not be weak!

So instead, I will be working hard on my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD and keeping myself occupied with my other Etsy shop! 🙂 I am working on some new items, like headbands and burp cloths to be added soon! So excited!

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